27 May 2010

A day off is a horrible think to waste

Today was a much needed day off. Not that my new job is horrible. Just three uber crazy days in a row can drain you. So I looked forward to sleeping in, riding my bike, and relaxing. I only accomplished one of these tasks.

At 6 this morning I woke up on my own accord. And again at 7. And yet again at 9. At this point I just lay there until 10 when I figured out I might as well roll out of bed. Not horrible, not great. Sometime after a quick breakfast I realized I should get my trusty old Mac to the Apple store to get it repaired. One and half hour wait. No big deal. 2 hours later I finally get to sit at the genius bar. An hour and half later I was informed that my 7 month hard drive was dead. Yipee.

So I made my way back to the house to get ready for my bike rides. I had planned to hit some local trails to get back into the flow of mountain biking. Then I was scheduled to lead the no-drop ride from the shop at 6:30. I got kitted up and drove the the trail head only to be greeted by a beautiful bolt of lightning as I put my front wheel on. Quick storm. No problem. I headed to the shop to make sure the group ride was still on and fix my broken chain. Once I arrived around 4 we checked out the radar. Without blinking we canceled the ride. Storm cells scatted for miles to the west of Cincy. Awesome.

The upside of the day was that I watch 5 episodes of "How I Met Your Mother". My Team Twin Six kit also showed up which might have been the high point of the day. This leads me to the conclusion that from here on out I will ride first and then take care of business on my days off.

23 May 2010

New Places

I'm sorry for the lack of post in a while. I have been busy making some drastic changes with my life. Two weeks ago I made the drive out to Cincinnati, OH to begin working at Trek of Cincinnati. In order to cover a lot of ground I am going to be brief with each aspect of this new segment of my life.

New job: I love my new job. The guys (and girls) I work with are great. The shop is well stocked. I get to build and work on everything from entry level hybrids (cringe) to 5 and 6 series Madones and TTXs. Sometimes I even get to deal with customers. And ever great once in a while I deal with a phone call. Dream job: yes. The only down side to my new job is the constant harassment I receive for riding a S-Works Tarmac to a Trek store (Specialized is one of Treks biggest rivals).

New city: Amazing. Though so far I have only frequented places that I already knew, I am already finding new places that I want to eat, play, and be entertained at.

New apartment: I just put a deposit down on a one bedroom apartment in a decent area of town that is halfway between the original Trek of Cincinnati and the new location that I will work at most of the time. I'll have about a 5 mile bike commute to both with is just about perfect.

I will try and update more often once I get my Mac up and running again.

Enjoy the Summer.

05 May 2010

Two days, two events, a heck of a lot of fun

This past weekend I had the pleasure of competing in two very different events. On Friday I headed to Blacksburg with Lindsey to compete and help out with Ride Hard: With a Vengeance! Sprinks and Dan put on a heck of an event with everything ranging from sprints to an all-out alley cat. I only competed in two events in order to save my legs for the race on Saturday. On Saturday I drove up to Wintergreen Ski Resort to compete in the Wintergreen Ascent Hill Climb State Championships. This is a little more my event, so I gave it an all-out effort and posted my second fastest time up the mountain at 45 min 2 sec which put me into 5th place in the Cat 5 group. Can't wait to come back next year and give both of these events another go. Check out full reports on both races at Team Twin Six.