17 December 2011

Winter Hibernation

As you all have undoubtedly noticed... (or not)... I have been quite delinquent in my posting the past few months. I have had a few races (more on that later), a little travel, a cold, an injury, sold a bike, bought a new one, and completely procrastinated on this whole Christmas shopping thing. As usual.

First off- racing. I wrapped up both the DInO and OMBC series. My last race in the DInO series was a giant blowup. We ran flat out for 21 miles with no let up. Halfway through the second lap I was running second when I just ran out of steam. Had I raced more conservatively I could have held on for a podium, but instead I went for broke and wound up one step out of the prizes.

 My last OMBC race went much the same, except for the fact that I didn't eat breakfast before the race. And my left foot and calf cramped. And I wound up two steps off the podium. The good news out of both of these races is that I preserved my finish in both series. 1st in CAT 2 19-29 for DInO. 5th in CAT 19-29 in OMBC. Not bad for my first real season of racing.

I have also jumped into a few cross races. A ton of fun, but no results worth mentioning. That's what cross is for me though, the fun of racing without the stress.

As usual, for my sisters birthday. Only this time, I came back home with a sprained foot and ankle. From stepping in a hole. While spinning my cousin around by her feet. And dropped her on her head. She's ok. I am still limping around two weeks later.

And I still need to do my Christmas shopping. So with that I am leaving you all for a few weeks. At least. I'll have some exciting news on the other side of the holidays tune back in.