27 March 2012

Big News!

So I have a lot of big new since my last real post. I will list them in order of importance (to me at least).

I have a new bike. It is a Superfly Elite 29er hardtail that with my own personal touch weighs in just shy of 21 lbs. I will dedicate another post to breaking the build down and adding some photos to boot.

I have a coach. I have been working with a cycling coach since early December and am seeing some amazing results. It is going to be a good year on the bike.

Jess and I got a dog. Her name is Daisy-Mae. She is a 4 year old beagle/lab? mix who has enough energy to power our whole apartment (at least it feels that way when we walk her). She is an amazing trail dog that can hold 25 mph for at least 2 miles (decided to slow her down when she almost slid off the gravel road we were on). Her other favorite hobby is falling asleep with Jess.

I proposed to Jess yesterday while on a trail ride with her and the pup. She said yes (talk about butterflies in the stomach) and the ring fit, so we are now officially engaged. Let the wedding questions begin!

I will have some more big news in a couple of weeks and a first race report in 3 weeks. I hope you all have had an awesome winter and spring. Bring on 2012!