With him around though, "don't screw up" has a whole new meaning. He already repeats the sounds we make (including the tittle of the only Denis Leary song I know). He loves bicycles (especially their tires which are fun to chew on). And cords, he also loves electrical cords, which terrifies the crap out of me (I never realized how many cords we have around our house). Forget baby proofing, by the way, he just finds the next thing that isn't baby proofed, until your completely exhausted and forget to re-set the fastener on that started it all, and he's back in the hosier cabinet.
Someday I would like to get back to posting on here roughly once a week like I did in the beginning. It keeps my mind sharp and lets me put the world into perspective for myself (and others, hopefully). With Dean around, I can only hope for once a month, which is much better than I have managed over the past 5 years.