09 January 2010

The Benefits of a Stuck Car

When the weather turns this bad (I haven't seen temperatures above freezing in weeks) it becomes next to impossible to motivate yourself to ride. Unless of course your car is not in working order. Or is stuck in such a way that attempting to move it might cause it to fall down a 10 foot embankment.

The latter is the predicament my beloved (and hated) explorer currently rests in. Another foot to the passenger side and it will, in all likely hood, roll down into a 10 foot gully that runs up to the side of our driveway.

This has led me to bike everywhere that I need to go. And being that it keeps snowing and making traction along the side of my driveway worse, it looks like I will at least be riding to work for a week if not more. And if I am already out on a bike, why the heck should I just ride to and from town? So I will probably get some real snow riding in this week which is just one thing to be excited about.

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