19 February 2010


There are very few things that will make me say "Yay." Here's is a not-so-complete list actually.

1. New bike parts from Hawley's or BTI.
2. BBQ, root beer, and baked beans.
3. Getting over a cold and having the weather take a turn for the better.
4. New bike.

Today is a number 3 day. So today is going to be a good day. Not only is the weather better, I am also feeling loads better. I will not get to ride outside today (not quite up to that), but the next two days also promise to be nice out, so I will get to ride. And the promise of a ride is almost better than the ride itself as one gets to anticipate, plan, and imagine all of the great things that the ride will include.

But rides rarely reach the level of perfection that our dream rides entail. That is what makes our sport so incredible. While rides never live up to our expectations, they don't have to. It can be raining, you can have 4 flat tires, you can be pushing your bike down your favorite section of trail because the patches won't stick to the wet tube. But you will always remember that ride, because it was on that ride that you got to eat black berries all the way down the Iron. It was also on that ride that you cleared a section of trail that had previously been impassible. That ride was an amazing ride. I will remember it for the rest of my life.

Or not, as there are sure to be rides in the future that take its place as being sucky and amazing at the same time. That is why I am a cyclist, because even our worst days on a bike are better than our best days off of a bike. Fishermen say, "A bad day fishing is better than the best day at work." I believe that to be true. But my worst day riding is a lot better than my best day fishing.

Enjoy the ride.

17 February 2010


Originally this post was to be another complaint directed at Mother Nature. But over the past 24 hours some things have changed (alas not the weather).

I am getting sick or am already sick or something along those lines. Runny nose, sinus headache, and general tiredness along with a scratchy throat. Always a good time.

But at least this is my first cold in 9 months... a new record for me. Usually I go about 3 months between colds. Evidently organized education did not do me any favors. This  has put a slight kink in my training program. I will still try and get on a trainer for a little bit today. We'll see.

Enjoy being well. 

14 February 2010

The Plan

I promised a training plan last week. And, as usual, I am late.
But better late then never I suppose.

For the remainder of February and the first half of March I will work on getting out on the bike 6 days a week. As long as I get an hour in I will be happy. I might even work some Spinervals into my daily routine on top of my outdoor riding.

From the midpoint of March to the end of April I will focus on my climbing fitness. This means at least two days a week of hill interval work and one day a week of extended climbing. This will be getting me ready for my 6th attempt at Wintergreen. I would really like to place this year as I did my in my first attempt.

From May through September I will work on my endurance and extended speed. This should help me out in the Hotter n' Hell and any 12 and 24 hour races that I attempt.

I know this is a very loose plan, but I have found that the tighter the training plan, the shorter I follow it. So here goes the 2010 racing season!

06 February 2010

A Goal and a Plan

Because of the nasty weather the past few weeks and an amazing lack of motivation on my part I have not been on the bike for even three days in a row in almost a month. In order to push myself to get back on the bike I need a goal. And to reach my goal I need a plan.

Every summer the Breaker and I attempt a stupid biking event. The first summer it was simply the Morning Glory in Cincinnati, OH. Second summer, the Triple Bypass in Colorado. Third summer, the 24 Hours of Allamuchy (solo) in Allamuchy, NJ. Last summer a little accident ran our plans amuck and we were forced to shrink our goals to a diminutive 40 mile mountain bike race call the Black Bear Rampage in Tennessee.

This year our sights are set on the Hotter n' Hell 100 in Wichita Falls, TX. A 100 mile paved romp through the scorched state of Texas in August- sounds fun! In the process of attempting this ride there will be some other events to gauge my fitness. You know events like Wintergreen Ascent in May, the Cowbell Challenge in June, and hopefully a couple of 6/12 hour mtb races (solo or team), a few road races, and maybe a 24 (solo or team) to fill out the mix.

In order to attempt a pretty full competitive schedule I will need to start training on the first of the year... ooops! Already missed that. I guess I will have to settle for February 7th. Yay! The end of the NFL season will coincide with the beginning of my training.

As for the plan... I will come up with something over the next week and use this blog and you readers as my motivation.